

Counter Widget for days together

Fix image positioning on Junebug page

Art gallery

General shrine?

Floating draggable Guzma MP3 player?
idk how to even code that lmao, that's for far in the future

Junebug profile pokemon list
little interactable pokeballs for the different pokemon maybe?

Guzma profile page
pokemon list, info about diverging from canon, etc


🌻August 24, 2024: Added images to Junebug's page and... man i don't even know what else i did here. Started Guzma's page but not uploading that yet 👍 happy first anniversary of guzbug!🎉

🌻August 23, 2024: Fixed scrapbook font(?), finished moving CSS to its own files. Created Junebug profile page. Added stickers to devlog :] Customized not_found page.

🌻August 22, 2024: Website overhaul yippee!! Shifting focus to the left, and moving towards a general play-space with an unabashed dash of selfshipping. Also was forced to switch from Brackets to Pheonix Code, so lots of fixing code that broke in the move. Still need to fix this devlog within the program, and then finish the scrapbook base.

🌻June 23, 2024: Updated scrapbook page with polaroid5 and finished writing notes to go with the photos. Using body instead of html did not fix index white strips 😔 Scrapbook is having issues with fonts - need to troubleshoot.

🖤June 17, 2024: Added a foolishly optimistic dev log complete with notebook bg. Linked log to main page. Created Junebug profile page to work on later.

🖤June 16, 2024: Added audio player and finished figuring out scrapbook page setup (mainly text and image alignment).

🖤June 14, 2024: Finally figured out how to layer elements over each other for scrapbook page.

🌻June 13, 2024: Created scrapbook page but didn't get far with it. Added bg and overflow boxes to set up later.

🌻June 12, 2024: Site is born. Homepage is created.