Visited "Aina's Kitchen" in Hau'oli City for our third official date 😊 We both had Tapu Cocoa and shared an ice cream sundae - who knew ice cream and hot cocoa would go so well together!

Jetlagged after returning to Alola from Sinnoh. Henry's usually grumpy for the first couple days after we go anywhere with a timechange, but he was happy to nap with me!

Ignoring the no smoking sign on the wall... "It's just one cig! They got dancing Magmars; one cigarette won't hurt anything!" ....Cue the Carracosta fire team 🙄

Visited Eterna Historical Museum while back in Sinnoh. Too much walking + not enough benches = a very tired Juno!

Grimsby would eat us out of house and home if I let him... he has a terrible begging problem and I can't help but indulge him 😅