clockwork dreamer

taanshi! pee-piihtikwee! - hello! come on in!

ni-miyeeyihten ee-waapamitaan! Dandy o Juno d-ishinihkaashon. -- i'm happy to see you! you can call me Dandy or Juno.

I'm not very good at coding at the moment, but I'm trying to learn (gakwee-kishkeeyihten) slowly but surely. This is my hobby site that I'll be using as an escape from the pressures of making things look A Certain Way. free creative expression! eventually this website will look better and be somewhat organized, but this is day one of changing up my creative direction with it hehe ^^;;

DISCLAIMER: i will do my best to make this website accessible (image descriptions/alt text, making text readable irt font and colour, warning for flashing imagery, etc) but first and foremost this is a thing I'm doing genuinely just for me. if other ppl enjoy it, that's great! but i'm going to focus on just indulging myself first, and make it accessible for others second.
TLDR: this website is mainly for me, so I cannot promise everything will be accessible to and safe for others (though I'll do my best where I can). peruse at your own risk etc etc.

so who are you?

I'm a storyteller first and foremost! I'm also an artist, and a writer, and a crafter of all sorts - I love all forms of art!

as for the usual introduction items... I'm Dandy/Juno (whichever you like best!), 22 years old, they/it pronouns, Métis (Southern Michif is the language you're seeing scattered in with the English - I'm trying to learn to speak it to help keep my culture alive!), and autistic.

I'm often embarrassingly earnest, very passionate about art, very nervous when it comes to interacting with people, and a notorious rambler.

my special interests include automata and clockwork, barghests, art, stories, and puppetry!

I selfship with Guzma from Pokemon Sun/Moon and make a lot of art and playlists for him :]

I need to figure out where to link the other pages.... UHMMM... here, I'll just link 'em right here for now because it is nearly midnight and I don't feel like making it pretty right now LOL ➡ scrapbook - dev log - trainersona info

when I'm not making art of Guz, I'm mainly working on my personal worldbuild project called Deadwood Lodge. Eventually this site will house a bit of it!

i have a tumblr, carrd, and toyhouse where you can find more of me and my art. here's a few of my current favourite art pieces I've done over the last few months!